Request a change on your Online Store.

Please use the form below to send us a change request or to report a technical issue.
Price changes or informational changes can be placed in the form here. To upload a file, such as a menu, please use this form:

Issues may also be reported here using our ticketing system.


(The name usually follows the section in your browser's address bar)

 Each Online Store is Unique

Since each online store is customized for, and can be managed directly by the restaurant; we may not be aware of certain issues particular to that online store until it is reported to us by the restaurant, or more likely a customer.

Please use the form to the left to report any issues you may find on your online store.
We will address any reported issues promptly and take appropriate steps to rectify.

For example: wrong tax rate, menu item pricing or descriptions, etc. are some types of issues that may arise as changes are made in-house but have not yet been updated online.

EzWebOrders Online Ordering System • Your online ordering system

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